Thursday, April 29, 2010

Church Musicians

I was browsing through my Friendster profile when I came across this comment of mine...I posted it April 22, 2008 in my comment box and my friends' comment boxes...I would also like to share this to all of you...:)

"In heaven, no earthly occupations will be needed, save one: church musicians. Think about it. In heaven, doctors will have no clinics, for there will be only perfectly functioning and re-energized bodies. Lawyers and judges will have no reason to appear in court to settle disputes among who are living together in peace. Even preachers will no longer need pulpits to win souls, for Christ will be living in the neighborhood, and we shall see Christ, and Christ shall be all in all!"

This is right. For church musicians, earthly service comes with an implied eternal contract. Given such a momentous task, church musicians ought to learn to worship well and to lead worship well, for our worship here is a WARM-UP FOR THE EVERLASTING WORSHIP OF GOD that is to come.

Reference: Serving in Your Church Music Ministry - Randall D. Engle; Pau

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